When we think of healthy foods we think of numerous foods, many of which may be quite unappealing or even just difficult to whip up. However, there is one food that is an all-time favorite for everyone. Yes! You got it right! I am talking about nuts. Who can refuse a handful of crunchy and tasteful nuts? They are a handful of instant energy and useful nutrients. That’s not even the best part! Nuts are among the healthiest foods that actually boost heart health.
Researchers have also found that consuming nuts frequently assists in reducing inflammation that occurs as a result of heart disease. So what are the healthiest nuts for your heart? Read on to find out some of the best heart healthy nuts out there which are also a personal all-time favorite.
1. Walnuts

In our childhood, all of our mothers have repeatedly told us to increase our consumption of walnuts for miscellaneous reasons; mainly for better memory and brain power. Well if you were a good kid and listened to your mom then you are in for an additional perk: walnuts are good for your heart as well. There is a potent unsaturated fat found in walnuts known as omega-3 fatty acids. Now, this kind of fat has many useful impacts on heart health such as preventing the development of erratic heart rhythms. Plus, it prevents the formation of blood clots which reduces the risk of cardiac arrest. Another advantage is that walnuts are higher in antioxidants as compared to other nuts.
2. Almonds

Scrumptious, nutty, and most importantly, healthy! Almonds are one delish nut that are very versatile. They make a great addition to many recipes, desserts or otherwise. Well, those who are in the habit of regularly eating almonds have been linked with lower levels of bad cholesterol levels from numerous studies. Some of the many nutrients almonds carry are fiber, monosaturated fats, plant proteins, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and much more. At this point, you must be thinking… so how are almonds relevant to my heart? Well, almonds contain a certain type of amino acid which is known to create molecules that relax and dilate blood vessels. This eases blood flow and reduces the chances of a heart attack.
3. Peanuts

Peanuts are an absolute classic. Who does not adore munching on some salted peanuts? The best thing about peanuts is that it is not even necessary to consume the nut to enjoy the health benefits. You can make the most of the benefits by consuming peanut products such as peanut butter. Just smear it on a piece of bread and enjoy the scrumptious snack.
An antioxidant found in peanuts is known by the name of resveratrol. It is more commonly found in the skin and is also famous for its constant attempt to protect the heart. Besides, switching from regular butter to peanut butter could enable you to consume a healthier and more protein-rich butter that has lesser sodium. The best part is that peanuts and all of their by-products are quite versatile that they can easily be enjoyed in many ways.
4. Pistachios

Apart from being delish in all possible aspects, pistachios are also… you guessed it! Healthy-healthy. Researchers in India decided to dig a little deeper and found out a little more about our friends: pistachios. The Diabetes Foundation of India found out that pistachios have effects on lipid parameters and are naturally cholesterol free as well as being a good source of protein. All of these factors add up and make them ideal for the effective prevention of obesity and heart disease.
5. Hazelnuts

Apart from being rich in proteins in fiber, these buttery nuts are practically oozing with potassium, calcium, and magnesium; which are pretty handy in regulating blood pressure. Hazelnuts are rich in oleic acid which is known to combat bad cholesterol levels and nurture good cholesterol levels.
Now that we have established and repeatedly emphasized how nuts are amazing for your health, go and help yourself to a hearty serving of nuts. You need it! In fact, the United States Food and Drug Association recommends that an individual should consume 30 grams of nuts daily. Plus, they are have ridiculously low levels of calories. That means that even if you are on a diet or watching what you eat, some nuts will not upset your scale.
Which is your favorite nut? Share it with us in the comments below.